
My first Saturday night as a 22 year old panned out along pretty much the same lines as my last night as a 21 year old.
I wasn't expecting too much to change in the seven days between Saturday nights. I've been so busy the last few days with birthday things and birthday jokes and birthday binge drinking that it actually slipped my mind that I was 22 until about 30 seconds after I turned 22 when it all hit me and I cried out loud to the heavens about my ill fate. After that I sort of felt a bit better, so it was worth it. But only because it was really loud at Shenanigans and I doubt anyone heard me anyway.
However, I am different on my first Saturday night at 22 than I was during my first Saturday night at 21. Change is a gradual thing. However the one thing that does seem to remain constant after each of these first Saturday nights as an older person is the lingering hangover I feel after my annual, age-acceptance-assisting bender comes to a conclusion.



I have, however, changed in that I am now less ironic.

August 27 2006 - Like

hehehe you are OLD! :)

August 27 2006 - Like

I'm looking forward to August Photos of the Month.

August 28 2006 - Like

So how was the Ale House?
(This brings me into the top 10 of the commenters list!)

August 28 2006 - Like

how do you know that you are in the top 10?

August 28 2006 - Like

As the #4 commenter, you should know, Gus.


August 29 2006 - Like

PS: Keep it on the DL from Zoe.

PPS: Brad, you should make hidden comments!

August 29 2006 - Like

Zippo I've totally known about that since like its been there. In fact I think I have something to do with its existence (though possibly not).

August 29 2006 - Like

Top 5! But not quite a podium finish.

edit: 50th post!

August 29 2006 - Like
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