Over the top Sarcasm is the pinnacle of Wit

I know I am really tall. The next time a random stranger comes up to me and says 'wow, you're really tall!' I'm going to look at how far down it is too the ground, do a double-take and yell 'Holy Shit!'

Sam's 21st last night was more often than not an entertaining night. After leaving my camera bag at Tim's 21st last month I finally got it off him yesterday and then left it at Sam's this morning, which is unfortunate because there is a good photo of Sam in there.

Today I drank lemonade and watched Season 3 of the Micallef Pogram. It is a riot. Not a lot of shows crack me up with consistency, but if you think you appreciate my type of humour the following shows are for you: The Micallef P(r)ogram(me) [Aus]; Arrested Development [US]; Peep Show [UK].



You should make a new shirt that says "I'm tall."

Glad you had fun at Sam's shindig.

They are supposed to start airing AD this week. :)

December 5 2005 - Like

You're the tallest guy I know! Maybe apart from Steve... are u taller than him? You should have a tall-off!

December 5 2005 - Like

Whoa! It has been a while since i posted a comment!

December 5 2005 - Like

"last night was more often than not an entertaining night"?

December 5 2005 - Like

I don't think you fully comprehend the comedic implications of having a shirt that says "I'm tall." Because whenever you're wearing it and someone says "Wow, you're tall," you can say, "Oh, did you read that off my shirt?" and then they will feel like a douche.

December 6 2005 - Like
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