Doesn't End with a Euphemism

I have bought new books this week, still trying to undo the damage from when I scoffed at my English professor when he said "good writers read a lot". Except me, obviously, I'm an exception! And the man spent his spare time writing poetry on a typewriter! This was only six years ago.

Then, instead of reading the books I took a photo of them, because sometimes I forgot which of my hobbies I'm trying to use to distract myself from my office job.

image 741 from

I walked to that office job faster than I ever have before this morning. I forgot my jacket, you see. It was sunny on the way home though, which made it feel like a victory in some ways. I don't know how I forgot a jumper. Before I left the house I was all ready to change my FaceBook status to "It's so cold you can see my nipples through my hoodie."

I don't think phrases like that are ever going to get my book into somebody's lightbox.



Can you let me know what Arsonists Guide is like? I would suggest you read that one first :)

July 21 2010 - Like

I've actually already started it, about a quarter through. I like it! Main character is a bumbler with a great narrative voice. Where the plot ends up will determine if it's good or great.

July 21 2010 - Like

Great, well that shall be the next for I.

July 22 2010 - Like
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Winter is over! As well as another three months of me making a video every day.

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