Troubled Sole

I made a split second decision that I didn't want to get my shoes sandy, so I'd just walk through the car park barefoot to get to the beach.

If I'd gone the other way on this I probably wouldn't be posting an entry titled 'motherfucking fuck my shoes are sandy'.

Now I have a great big blister on the bottom of one foot, and a great big popped one on the other. I didn't pop it intentionally.. I Googled whether I should or not and I couldn't get a straight answer. I guess I will have a verdict in a day or few.

I was supposed to play basketball against people tomorrow! I feel like the universe is trying to work against me sometimes. Not just this, but I almost severed my left pinky (exaggeration) last Friday, and then a couple of days ago I almost broke my left pinky toe.
I'm going to hero it out tomorrow. Then suffer through Tuesday in a pool with some beers.

The universe can't be against me, I walked into Footlocker on Saturday and they only had one pair of size 14 shoes and they were perfect for me, and in my old team colours.

No Fate.



Title puns are 50% of the reason I write Rants, and as a punnoisseur I just had to say that the title to this entry is exquisite, sir.

January 25 2010 - Like

Never recommended to pop a blister. A blister is the body's response to a trauma point. Bad bacteria is generated by the trauma and your body realeases good bacteria to fight it off (hence the collection of fluid at the site). You need to let the battle rage champ and it'll heal up quicksmart. Whack a pair of thongs in the car for next time. Oh, and no need to thank me for this gem of information and life changing advice.

January 27 2010 - Like

I was a nationally recognised coach for rowing. In rowing, there are lots of blisters. In rowing, the best way to trip blisters is to urinate on them. Never. Fails.

January 31 2010 - Like

In keeping with the urination thread... can I pose a question to all... peeing in the shower? I have recently discovered that this is a social norm. I always thought it was wrong as I was told not to do it as a child. Don't ask me how the topic of conversation came up, but let me just say I am motified to know that everyone is doing it. I have conducted research amongst family and friends (under the guise of "social experiment" as you'd be surprised as to how hard it is to just slip this into general conversation) and I am shocked to learn that it appears as though I am the only person on earth who can put her hand on her heart and state - I have never peed in the shower. Am I weird?

February 1 2010 - Like

According to an article I once saw while reading someone's Cosmo: no. One third of girls don't. Well... one third of girls who read Cosmo don't...

February 1 2010 - Like

Dirty bitches. Though I think I am now more concerned by the fact that you read cosmo...

February 8 2010 - Like
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