My Little Red Coffee Plunger

There's a global financial crisis and all that. I understand, so I wasn't surprised last week when the coffee and Milo in our kitchenette disappeared. In fact, I was surprised they lasted as long as they did.

Despite needing coffee and having kicked my habit of buying one daily around the time I moved out of my Mum's house I refused to return to spending $20 a week at Bean Bar even when taking the fifteen minute bludge of walking to Bank St and back into consideration. Instead on Friday I went into Woolworths and bought this:

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It cost only six dollars and came with 100g of freeze dried coffees and I was surprised how damn good it was. It debuted on Monday afternoon and it was so fun and tasty that it made me almost... look forward to work today. OK, so I wasn't as blown away by the two cups I made today but it certainly gave me something to look forward to. Actually, jokes and team members being retrenched aside work hasn't been too bad lately and that's in general, not just my morning teas. I've had over a weeks worth of not overwhelming work but enough to keep me continuously busy as well as occasionally helping random Indian developers with puzzle-like config tasks so that they may continue to replace my team members uninterrupted. I even saw another rainbow but didn't have time to take my customary camera phone photo of it.

On the way to work today I walked past the old Adelaide University gym on McKinnon parade and its facade was just starting to get demolished by a giant mechanical chode. On my way back as I reflected on my day of achievement I discovered they'd destroyed a basketball court length of building. OK, so maybe they got more done than me in one day but I bet they didn't get two little red plunger coffees during it.



French press coffee is the best!

July 16 2009 - Like
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