I went to University today. It wasn't so bad. I got a really good park straight away. My good luck continued as not one, not two but three of my lecturers turned out to speak English as their first language. Also I could be in for a bit of extra cash this semester because apparently the videotapes of Databasing lectures are pretty hard to get hold of in the library so I must start bringing a handicam into lectures and selling bootlegs. Unfortunately my main mission for today's uni excursion was an utter failure. I was not able to set my tute times for any of the three subjects I had today because the lecturers all failed to have the tute time organising system things running ahead of time (I've since done one). If I can get the other two subjects done perfectly, I will have an extremely kick arse timetable that reads like this:

Monday: 3pm - 5pm
Tuesday: 11am - 5pm
Thursday: 12am - 5pm

And that's it. No gaps whatsoever. Two days off per week. 11am start is a little early though...
I can't really use my hill joke, because I didn't walk up nor down the hill today. In fact, because of my timetable, I won't need to walk up or down that hill all semester. This is partly because all my stuff is in the same building at the top of the hill next to a nice car park, but still.
I've got to pay my union fees by next Wednesday. I hate union fees. $177 for what, nothing! I'm making it my mission to steal 177 free condoms from the union building to cover the cost of union fees.
Anyway this term is over in six weeeks, so that's what I'll be journaling. I figured seeing I'm writing jokes and shit about being at uni, I probably should start writing down the semi amusing thoughts and events that happen at uni so I have material to work with, which is why that's number one on my things to do this Autumnish period.

Things to do this Autumnish Period
→Write down amusing things to add to work in progress
→Make my car work best
→Begin stockpiling condoms. (Granted, I'm not going to really need 177 condoms for anything but I could still make balloon animals out of them)
→Trick a woman into falling in love with me.
→Make a mix tape that embodies in 90 minutes of song the way I feel about the transition from hot hot summer to lush, cool winter.
→Passing stuff at uni should probably be in this list too...


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