Sports Photography

After 10 years playing for Sturt Alex finally gave up on his struggling franchise to play with the more successful Eagles and his BFF Joel.

On June 2 they met for the first time this season since Alex's transfer.

Alex started on the court. Here is holding the ball. Everyone is waiting for him to do something interesting.

Alex started on the court. Here is holding the ball. Everyone is waiting for him to do something interesting.

Here Alex is immediately uncertain about the quality of his most recent pass. But that's not really interesting, do something interesting!

Here Alex is immediately uncertain about the quality of his most recent pass. But that's not really interesting, do something interesting!

Continue Reading Alex vs Sturt - Grudge Match!...

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The woman with the fake tan stepped into my office, sat across from my desk and lit a cigarette.
At least, she would, sometime in the next 20 minutes. Smelling the future has advantages, but precision isn’t one of them.

Winter Sun

Look, random photos:

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If you parked on War Memorial Drive this morning and logged onto and were surprised to see your aerial... Hi..

Night Photography

I went for a walk on a very chilly night tonight with my camera and tripod. Mainly because my holiday To Do list had "use new tripod more" on it.

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I think I've got a lot to learn about night photography, it's hard to really know what to take photos of. Fortunately because it's expensive to take good night photos they look kind of cool anyway.

Tonight was mainly about making myself take photos at night and become more comfortable with the process of deploying tripod, adjusting the settings and not being scared about muggers. Thus, it was a successful mission. I kept to only well lit streets though, and not only for exposure reasons. I theorised that staying in crowded areas would make me safer, but that didn't stop me from regarding with steely suspicion everyone I crossed paths with. I realised later that these were the same people I was expecting to protect me if I needed it, so later when I was waiting at a crossing I gave a head nod to a guy on a bicycle who pulled up beside me.

I also remembered that if I was mugged while night shooting, my tripod is solid but also lightweight and if wielded with the illusion of competence might be a deterrent.

Besides experience, all I ended up with was some clichéd North Adelaide photos. And - see if you can spot it - a thumbs up from a bored bus driver.

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I Went to Clarendon Today

I took over 100 photos. Mainly of cows.

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I Went to Clarendon Yesterday

And, instead of posting a Lego Phocumentary of me seriously pondering if I should tip out all the boxes of Lego I packed, here's some more photos from that.

Cheeky Cow.

Cheeky Cow.

Framing. The weather was very un-photo-friendly at times. The sky was like a giant light for most of the afternoon.

Framing. The weather was very un-photo-friendly at times. The sky was like a giant light for most of the afternoon.

A photo made less boring by a CPL Filter.

A photo made less boring by a CPL Filter.

I really liked this view. I actually saw this hill on the drive to the A-Team wedding reception and I wanted to come back and photo it. Unfortunately the sun wasn't as uniform and golden as it was that day.

I really liked this view. I actually saw this hill on the drive to the A-Team wedding reception and I wanted to come back and photo it. Unfortunately the sun wasn't as uniform and golden as it was that day.

In focus cow in foreground, slightly out of focus farm house in background. Why yes, I have read Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.

In focus cow in foreground, slightly out of focus farm house in background. Why yes, I have read Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.

This one is called \"The Cow Love Heart\"

This one is called \"The Cow Love Heart\"

I get this look a lot.

I get this look a lot.

Pretty Skies

I realised journal's homepage was almost 5 megs, so I've put today's photos into a phocumentary. Click more at the bottom for more.


What does it take to be a good photographer? Creativity? A camera?

I don't know, but a sunset helps a lot.

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Continue Reading Sea Views at Seaview...

All of them Vegetables to Someone

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Did you know the Adelaide Botanic Gardens has an epic veggie patch in it? As well as a wicked cacti congregation?

I discovered these facts after spending much of this evening's decent light trying to take photos of some of the most boring trees imaginable!

<i>spicy flowers</i>

spicy flowers

<i>friendly cacti</i>

friendly cacti

It still beat working though.


I've played four games of basketball in the past four days.

I'll double check the obituaries tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I didn't die!

I feel bad for the people of Sichuan if Sichuan Beef is their best recipe.

And the whole earthquake thing too I guess.

Colour in Winter

I saw my knee surgeon this afternoon who dacked me and gave me a thumbs up. That is to say, he was happy with his work and charged me . So, I took a short walk with a creative challenge - find colour on a pretty bleak looking afternoon. And thus I present Colour in Winter I. Titled "one" because I will probably try this again sometime for more than 20 minutes.

Stay tuned also for my "Drabness in Spring" diptych this September.

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Grape Juice City

It was rainy this morning and I wore my storm jacket for the walk to work.

After I'd had enough of that I walked home via Myer where I bought this for $100 off during the mega stock take sales of 2010.
It's not that I don't have anything better to spend my money on. It's just that after spending money on insurance, doctors, petrol and power bills I figure what's the point of earning money and never buying anything cool? Also I always wanted a big ship when I was growing up. So FUCK YOU everyone whose house I went to play at after school and who had one. Who's got the biggest ship now?! Brad!

The cashier put my giant Lego box in a giant, red carry bag with Mario characters on it and slipped in a coupon to join the Lego Club for free. Then I walked back outside and it was sunny! Oh so sunny.

Then later I saw my physio he said my knee is getting better, but not fast enough for his liking. So he got me into a last minute remedial massage appointment. They shouldn't be able to call that a massage!

Today's Project

I was unexpectedly hungover this morning, so I tried to achieve something productive in the afternoon to make up for napping. I made a lightbox. It still needs some retooling but right now I can take a photo like this which is practically unedited.

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Instructions for the build are here. It cost me less than $2 to make, although I had to buy a box cutter too.

Why would I build a light box? Obviously...

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More Lightbox

It was too cold to do anything today. But I did anything anyway! Lightbox experimentation:

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That's the lightbox setup. I used some translucent wrapping that was previously the condom for my PC case I bought earlier this month. Inside there is a sheet of white cardboard which gently bends to form the back wall and floor. You can shine lights in one or both sides. For now I only have one light, I will go to Bunnings tomorrow to take advantage of their $9.90 portable floodlights. The light shines in one side and on the other you can stick a piece of cardboard - white or black.
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Lighting of course let's you create moods (this applies to lighting outside of lightboxes too.)




Can't believe I missed the obvious joke and forgot this guy has a screamy head when you turn it 180 degrees.

Can't believe I missed the obvious joke and forgot this guy has a screamy head when you turn it 180 degrees.

Now imagine what kind of mood you could create if you were photographing someone whose face wasn't two dimensional!

I also bought enough black card to make a black background for the light box. I haven't really got it working for me, but I do kind of like this.

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