Speechless 2

I was thinking yesterday while explaining some Mulesoft concepts how much I enjoy the flywheel of parallel consulting. Nothing forces you to learn something better than having to explain it to someone else. Getting experience on one project, and consolidating it on a blank whiteboard at another is good for the brain.

And then today I had to present something and realised I failed to prepare the content to my usual standard. I'm tempted to blame parallel consulting for that too. But actually I think it's because I burnt three hours more than I wanted to trying to resolve Log4J configuration conflicts between dependencies that hard code their logging libraries. It remains unsolved.

Set a 2024 Deadlift PB after work, to give my brain a break.


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Next Entry: Speechless 3

Anyway the whole speechless title is in reference to Monday when I went for a walk at lunch and saw some primo blue sky plus autumn leaves plus summer combos. I was about to take a picture but someone was walking a dog by me and it was acting nervy so I didn't stop.

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